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The first registered Golden Retrievers to arrive in South Australia came from the United Kingdom with Mr and Mrs S F Armfield when they emigrated early in 1950.  They were Alexander of Arbrook (Alex) and Kristina of Kuldana (Bonny).


The first litter of Golden Retrievers to be bred in South Australia was by Alex out of Bonny under the Swakeleys prefix to Mr and Mrs Armfield, whelped on the 23rd December 1950.  There were 5 males and 3 females.


In November 1996, 51 Golden Retriever enthusiasts held the inaugural meeting of the Golden Retriever Club of South Australia Inc.


In November 1996, 25 years later, the GRCSA hosted the First National Golden Retriever Championship Show to be held in Australia.  The Golden Retriever National Breed Council was established in 1995 at the instigation of the GRCSA.


Throughout the year the Club holds a number of events:

  • Championship Show

  • Retrieving Trials

  • Restricted Obedience Trial

  • Fundays

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