Australia wide Golden Retriever Club Puppy contact information and links to breeder listings :
Contact information for each state Golden Retriever Club puppy contact person and links to Club breeders directories
Links to Dogs SA, Dogs Victoria, Dogs NSW, Dogs Queensland, Dogs West & Dogs Tasmania Breeder listings
Links to Dogzonline state breeder listings
South Australia
If you are looking for a puppy from a South Australian breeder you should start your search by sending an email to the Golden Retriever Club of SA Puppy Contact at grcsapuppyenquiries@gmail.com
You will be sent a list of breeders who are members of the Golden Retriever Club of SA.
The GRCSA Breeders list ( all ANKC registered).
Some breeders who are club members choose not to be listed.
Dogzonline SA Breeder list ( all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Email Golden Retriever Club of Victoria Puppy Enquiries at puppyenquiries@grcv.org.au
The list of breeders on the Golden Retriever Club of Vic website is at
Dogs Victoria Breeders list ( all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Dogzonline Victorian breeders list (all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Email the Golden Retriever Club of NSW Puppy Information Officer Margot Stuckey at goldkey1@ihug.com.au
Golden Retriever Club of NSW breeders list :
Scroll right down to the bottom of the page to where it says Advertising Club Members 2020-21 in red and click on these words....this will open up a list of breeders in pdf format.
Dogs NSW Breeders list ( all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Dogzonline NSW breeders list (all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
The Golden Retriever Club of Queensland Puppy/Dog Contact Officer Shayne Careless
Mobile: 0403 589 889
The Queensland Golden Retriever Club Breeders Directory is at
Dogs QLD Breeders list ( all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Dogzonline Qld breeders list (all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Western Australia
Golden Retriever Club of WA Breeders Directory
DogsWEST Breeders list ( all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Dogzonline WA breeders list (all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Golden Retriever Club of Tasmania Breeders Directory
Dogs Tasmania Breeders list ( all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Dogzonline Tasmania breeders list (all ANKC registered). Some breeders choose not to be listed
Not all ANKC registered breeders are listed on the club breeders list - they may choose not to be listed or they may not be a member of the State club.
Breeders on the club listing are required to have a greater range of tests performed on both parents - non listed breeders may well have had all or some these additional health checks done on the parents - as with any breeder you should ask to see copies of the heart, eye and DNA certificates and hip/elbow scores for both parents if they have had these additional tests done.
The breeders listed in the below document are members of the Golden Retriever Club of SA and have been for at least the last two years.
It must be understood that the Club accepts no responsibility for listing breeders, it is simply a point of contact and not a recommendation. The onus is on the purchaser to ask questions regarding hereditary testing and compliance with our Club's Code of Ethic
Be patient, do your research and put some effort into your contact with breeders - the wait will be worth it. Put in the time and effort and show your interest in the breeders and they will show interest in return to you.
For more information about how to talk to breeders click on the PDF below.